
When a child or an adolescent stands out because of his behaviour or emotional development, this can be a burden for the child as well as the parents and it can lead to questions and worry. A lot of people  seek professional help and therefore have gone a long way even before they arrive at our practice. Our aim is to give a complete assessment of the problem so that the young person and the family can be supported in an efficient yet lasting manner.

The first part of making a diagnosis involves an extensive conversation with the person affected alone and together with significant others . Additionally – if needed and only with your consent– information is gathered from other relevant institutions (school, kindergarten, Child Protective Services etc.). Acknowledged, standardized tests are available to determine any dysfunction, e.g. dyslexia or dyscalculia.

Our multi-professional team under the direction of Corinna Adamowski-Philippe, specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, gathers all findings and thereby creates an overall picture of the situation your child is dealing with.

In our experience, even the diagnosis is an immense relief for a lot of families. The diagnosis usually helps with coping and accomplishment of all further procedures.
In doing so, we work with the whole spectrum of psychological disorders and behavioural syndromes in children and adolescents (e.g., attention and concentration disorders (ADHD), fear disorders, eating disorders, depression, developmental disorders, perceptual disorders, situations of serious conflict at home or at school, school achievement disorders, social behavioural disorders, tic disorders, autism spectrum disorder (ASD),and suicidal tendencies).

The purpose of our team is to provide professional and competent counselling, treatment and diagnosis. Based on our assessment we will discuss with you and your child the next steps needed and suitable single or group counselling sessions will be provided.